Through our corporate partnerships we offer membership discounts for many local businesses. Must show proof of employment with employee badge or pay stub in order to receive our corporate discount.

Corporate partners receive 50% off the Joining Fee and 10% off the Monthly Membership fee.  Other discounts can be discussed to further invest in your employees.

Check out the list of current partners:

Ameren Missouri
Arthur Center*
Avail - Central Electric Power
Backer's Potato Chips
Callaway Ambulance*
Callaway County*
City of Fulton
DBRL - Callaway County Library
Danuser Machine Company*
Department of Corrections (ONLY Callaway County)
Dollar General Distribution Center
Fulton Public Schools
Fulton State Hospital
Kingdom Telephone
Missouri School for the Deaf
North Callaway School District*
SERVE, Inc  
St. Peters Catholic School
Veterans United
Walworth Publishing
William Woods University (Faculty & Staff)
Westminster College (Faculty & Staff)

*Indicates payment via Payroll Deduction; all others are paid via members Bank ACH

For more information about starting a Corporate Partnership, contact:

Melissa Siegel
Membership Director